An improvised 9 GHz real-time spectrum analyser with 64 MHz bandwidth using RX888, SDR Console and a downconverter

An improvised 9 GHz real-time spectrum analyser with 64 MHz bandwidth using RX888, SDR Console and a downconverter. DRAFT a work in progress January 2025 Having worked with a 9 GHz downconverter for my phase noise analyser, I realised I could use SDR Console with an RX888 SDR to get a 64 MHz baseband. Adding a low-noise amplifier, a step attenuator, and some filters gives a powerful real-time spectrum analyser for about US$500. I have a US$2000 Rigol RSN3015N real-time spectrum analyser, which only has a 10 MHz real-time bandwidth up to 1.5 GHz. Fully optioned to 4 GHz and 40 MHz real-time bandwidth costs US$6800. It is a very good instrument but expensive. I work with digital amateur TV (DATV) using DVB-T with a bandwidth of up to 7 MHz. I have an earlier post on using a BladeRF as a 40 MHz real-time bandwidth spectrum analyser. This is another way to achieve a high bandwidth at microwave frequencies. A real-time spectrum analyser differs from a conventional swept spectrum ...